Contribute and give back to your neighborhoodVolunteer Opportunities
Are you interested in volunteering some time to help the Cedar Springs Homeowners Association? Do you have a special skill to share, or want to get more involved in the HOA?
There are two basic ways to help out: volunteer for the HOA board or join one of our committees. Learn more about all of these options below.
Raise Your Hand
When you’re ready to get involved, get the ball rolling by contacting us. We’ll get you in touch with the right folks. And thank you in advance—your help is welcomed!

We currently have two official committees, with a third in the works. Read about all three below.
Ad Hoc Teams and Projects
From time to time, we also seek volunteers for ad hoc teams to research and implement special projects.
Audit Committee – Posted 9/24/2021
The Cedar Springs HOA board is looking for 2-3 volunteers who like working with numbers and are detail-oriented to audit our financial records for the calendar year 2020.
Rich Ellerie, current treasurer and past president, has assembled all the documents that we believe volunteers will need to audit our books.
It’s anticipated that the time needed to conduct the audit will total no more than four hours. We would like to have the audit completed before we start budgeting in Fall 2021 for 2022.
If you’re interested in serving on the audit team, please contact us. See details about the proposed annual audit process.

Beautification Committee
The Beautification Committee was created to help improve the neighborhood, and is funded by a $15 fee per homeowner collected each year as part of annual dues.
The committee’s accomplishments to date include benches around the pond, landscaping at the front entrance and around the pond, and new trees along the sidewalk between Locust Drive and Red Oak Drive.

Pond Committee
Each spring, the Pond Committee holds an annual clean-up day for the pond area, the outlot to the east of the pond, and the front entrance.
This committee is also responsible for the maintenance of the pond’s bacteria program, fountains, aerators, and compressor.
Its current projects include improving the erosion control and plant life around the pond.

Welcoming Committee
NEW: We’re looking to form a Welcoming Committee in the near future to help greet new homeowners in Cedar Springs, familiarize them with the North Liberty area, and share information about the HOA, including its role in maintaining the common areas, and the protective covenants in place for Cedar Springs.
How to Volunteer
When you’re ready to get involved, get the ball rolling by contacting us. We’ll connect you with the right folks. Thank you in advance—your help is welcomed!
Serve on the HOA Board
The Cedar Springs Homeowners’ Association is governed and managed by the Board of Directors. The board provides for the administration of the HOA; the maintenance and upkeep of the common areas, storm water retention facilities, and sanitary sewer system improvements; and the collection and disbursement of the common expenses and assessments.
These responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Preparing and delivering to owners an annual budget
- Assessing and collecting from owners their pro rata share of the common expenses and assessments
- Keeping a current, accurate and detailed account of receipts and expenditures
- Preparing and delivering annually to the owners a full accounting of all receipts and expenses incurred in the prior year
- Maintaining and mowing ground cover in common areas and keeping these areas free of debris
- Maintaining and replacing landscaping in the common areas
- Resurfacing, repaving and maintaining any sidewalks in or constituting common areas
The bylaws of the Cedar Springs Homeowners Association state that the HOA board has the right to enforce any of the Protective Covenants and Restrictions for its subdivisions, as well as the right to represent the interests of lot owners on issues affecting the development of surroundings areas and/or the quality of environment and quality of life within the HOA.
The board is also empowered to:
- Purchase for the benefit of the owners such equipment, materials, labor and services as may be necessary in its judgment
- Employ legal counsel, contractors, accountants and others as necessary and desirable, and
- Adopt, review, and alter reasonable rules and regulations with respect to use, occupancy, operation and enjoyment of HOA-owned property.
Election of Board Members
Board members are elected at the annual meeting. Each director’s term is one year. Directors can be reelected. No person is eligible to serve on the HOA board unless he or she is a lot owner.
The bylaws state: “Nominations for the Board of Directors may be made by any Owner from those persons eligible to serve. Such nominations must be in writing and presented to the Secretary of the Association at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the annual meeting… All voting for election of the members of the Board of Directors shall be conducted by secret written ballot.“
For a complete explanation of the HOA board’s charter and makeup, plus rules pertaining to annual meetings and HOA assessment of dues, please see the bylaws.
Contact the HOA
Have a question or concern? Contact the HOA board by email, regular mail, or by completing the form at right.
P.O. Box 781
North Liberty, IA 52317
For Realtors
Need a dues acknowledgement for closing? Submit a request.