End of Summer Reminder

To any homeowner in Cedar Springs with an in-ground or above-ground pool:  

City officials want homeowners to wait at least seven days after the last chlorine treatment before you drain your pool.

Using test strips, the chlorine concentration should be negligible (1 PPM or less). Please be considerate of your neighbors and avoid allowing the water to flood into neighboring yards. You should also not drain the entire pool at once. 

The water from pools can be routed across part of your own yard into the city’s storm sewer, but remember that any water put into a storm sewer can head to our retention pond, where it can kill our fish if it contains too much chlorine, so please follow the city’s guidelines. 

The HOA also reminds homeowners that above-ground pools must be approved in writing by the HOA board, as stated in the Cedar Springs Protective Covenants and Restrictions.  

Contact us at cedarspringsassociation@gmail.com for a copy of the agreement that must be on file for any above-ground pool.  If we do not have a completed and signed form on file, the HOA will not permit your above-ground pool in 2024.

Contact the HOA

Have a question or concern? Contact the HOA board by email, regular mail, or by completing the form at right.

P.O. Box 781
North Liberty, IA 52317

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