Spring 2022 Update

Greetings, Cedar Springs Homeowners!

We wanted to share some information from the HOA board. 

There was a long wait, but we finally got the HOA sidewalks repaired last week. (Yay!) There’s also been a low spot on the north end of the entrance mailboxes that was a muddy mess for several years. We’ve placed a panel of cement on this spot to fix this issue.

Our annual spring cleanup of the HOA properties was held on April 9.

Thanks to Jay Parsons for coordinating this and To the families that came and helped. We filled several large garbage bags which the city parks department disposed of. We’ve had a super windy spring, so please help us keep our neighborhood and pond clean by picking up any loose garbage you may find.

The city will be sponsoring another neighborhood meet and greet through the North Liberty City Ambassador Program.

Cathy Coleman and Jay Parsons are working on putting together a scavenger hunt, light snacks, a visit by both the North Liberty Police and Fire Departments, as well as a story time by the North Liberty Library. Please plan to bring your family and lawn chairs to the retention pond on Thursday, June 23, between 5:30 and 7:30 PM. Come enjoy the outdoors and visit with others in the neighborhood!

Cathy Coleman and Jay Parsons met with the NRCS and Mike Wolfe (from the city of North Liberty) to look at the health of our retention pond.

The good news is our pond area is looking great and is working as a retention pond should. We do have some wind erosion on the east end from the strong NW winds, so we will begin looking at installing additional riprap rock in this area. We are also working with the city and county on the possibility of getting native grasses with longer roots growing on the east end to help with future, possible erosion. So if you notice the grass getting tall in this area, it is all part of the process. 

Thanks to Rich Ellerie for his work on installing new mailbox labels on the mail station at the west end of the pond.

They look great, right? We’ll soon be replacing the labels at the entrance mailbox station—since they are also faded—we just want to test these new labels first. Oh, and for those of you wondering: the HOA owns all of the mailbox stations and is responsible for their maintenance.

Please remember: our Cedar Springs neighborhood has restrictive covenants.

If you have any questions, please refer to the HOA website or contact the HOA board.

Please let us know if you have any questions.
Cedar Springs HOA Board of Directors 

Contact the HOA

Have a question or concern? Contact the HOA board by email, regular mail, or by completing the form at right.

P.O. Box 781
North Liberty, IA 52317

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