Safety POSTS

Here’s what we found for you.

August 2020 Sidewalk Repairs

In addition to the pond and surrounding area, the Cedar Springs HOA holds the title for a number of common areas in our development, and we are responsible for the maintenance of these areas. This includes hiring private contractors to mow grass, clear snow from any sidewalks in these areas, and repair any sidewalks that require attention. HOA...

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Follow-up: August 10-11 Power Outage

In the aftermath of the August 10, 2020 derecho, Cedar Springs experienced an extended power outage. This outage was nerve-wracking for residents on the cul-de-sacs in sections 7, 8, and 9 of Cedar Springs, who rely on the electric-powered lift stations to prevent sewage backup into their homes. The Cedar Springs HOA board is working with...

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Contact the HOA

Have a question or concern? Contact the HOA board by email, regular mail, or by completing the form at right.

P.O. Box 781
North Liberty, IA 52317

For Realtors

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