Meet & Greet, Audit Volunteers Needed, Pond Landscaping, and a New Street Light

Meet and Greet Tuesday September 28

A reminder to all to please drop by the Cedar Springs Pond and visit with your neighbors on Tuesday, September 28, between 5:30 PM and 7:00 PM.

We will be having light snacks and beverages plus yard games, a scavenger hunt around the pond, plus the North Liberty Library will be doing a story time for the children from 6:15 PM – 6:45 PM.

The weather looks to be great, so please bring your lawn chair or blanket and stop by and enjoy the last bit of warm weather as you visit with your neighbors!

HOA Audit

The Cedar Springs HOA board is looking for two or three volunteers who like working with numbers and are detail-oriented to audit our financial records for the calendar year 2020.

Rich Ellerie, current treasurer and past president, has assembled all the documents that we believe volunteers will need to audit our books.

It’s anticipated that the time needed to conduct the audit will probably total no more than four hours. We would like to have the audit completed before we start budgeting later this fall for 2022.

If you’re interested in serving on the audit team, please email us at You can find a link to the proposed annual audit process here.

Pond Landscaping

The second part of the landscaping project at the retention pond will be completed this fall. We will be installing three, large limestone pieces and a tree in the SW grassy area to create another nice place to sit and enjoy the pond.

New Streetlight

The HOA secured permission from North Liberty to have Alliant install a streetlight on the right-of-way between the curbing and sidewalk on Cedar Springs Drive immediately south of the large cluster of mailboxes near the entrance to Cedar Springs.

The light should provide improved lighting for residents picking up their mail after dark.

The new streetlight located at the main entrance mailbox cluster.

Contact the HOA

Have a question or concern? Contact the HOA board by email, regular mail, or by completing the form at right.

P.O. Box 781
North Liberty, IA 52317

For Realtors

Need a dues acknowledgement for closing? Submit a request.

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