REMINDER: Approval process for exterior home improvements

If you’re expecting to make modifications to your home in Cedar Springs, please get in touch with the HOA Board of Directors to notify us about your project.  

The HOA board will check whether you’ve contacted the City of North Liberty and obtained a building permit as a prerequisite to giving approval. 

In addition to having the opportunity to review such plans, the HOA’s approval process enables us to have advance knowledge of projects in case we receive questions from other homeowners. 

General Restriction No. 16 in the Cedar Springs covenants states that the HOA must be contacted in advance about “any modification, remodeling, extension or expansion,” including screen porches, decks, and driveway changes. The changes, additions, alterations and modifications “must reasonably conform to the nature, character, style and structure of the units within the Addition” and “must have the approval of Cedar Springs.” 

Most of our residents contact us beforehand, as required, but we really need everyone to meet this requirement so projects aren’t started before the HOA board knows about them and has approved them.    

Due to the storms, we had an enormous amount of construction projects going on in the neighborhood this past year.

Thank you to everyone for being considerate of your neighbors and confining construction noise to normal business hours, not blocking the streets with construction vehicles for extended periods of times and cleaning up after the projects were completed. Also, thank you to all the neighbors for being so accommodating while these projects were being done.

Please remember to review the protective covenants and notify the HOA before starting any projects.

Contact the HOA

Have a question or concern? Contact the HOA board by email, regular mail, or by completing the form at right.

P.O. Box 781
North Liberty, IA 52317

For Realtors

Need a dues acknowledgement for closing? Submit a request.

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